Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food? The obsessive worship of “medicinal foods”

Hippocrates was an important figure in the history of medicine because he was among the earliest to assert that diseases were caused by natural processes rather than the gods and because of his emphasis on the careful observation and documentation of patient history and physical findings, which led to the discovery of physical signs associated with diseases of specific organs. However, let’s not also forget that Hippocrates and his followers also believed in humoral theory, the idea that all disease results from an imbalance of the “four humors.”

Treating disease with healing foods is not a new idea, it has been done for thousands of years. So what's new? In the past people didn't know why a certain food was good for a certain condition, they just trusted the advice they were given.

 Harness The Power of Healing Foods:
  • Strengthen Your Body's Defenses against Dis-ease
  • Treat Dis-ease directly
  • Slow down the Aging process
  • Boost Immune System
  • Protect the Body against Dis-ease


The underlying cause of many common diseases is often the type of foods we eat on a regular basis.  In our society today, even conventional doctors (MDs) and researchers agree that diet impacts our health greatly.
  • After countless studies, they've come to realize, for example, that diet is one of the biggest contributors to heart disease. And if you already have heart disease, the right diet can actually help you reverse it.  The BIG question…How? By improving your cholesterol levels, lowering high blood pressure, steadying your blood sugar, reducing inflammation and taking off extra pounds –it can help heal your cells and convert them back to normal. 
  • Researchers have no doubts today that a poor diet is a major cause  of constipationhemorrhoidsheartburn and IBS and giving out pills to deal with the symptoms is not the best way to “treat” these problems.  
  • Allopathic Doctors now realize that arthritis isn't a simple case of wear and tear but rather a destructive process spurred by molecules called “free radicals”, so painkillers cannot be considered the best long term solution.  In fact, these medications will eventually present further problems as time progresses, in which will lead to the “ripple effect” of medications.    
  • The general consensus now seems to be that no condition is more related to diet than type 2 diabetes.  Studies suggest that people who eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, animal fats, and a lot of animal protein are at much greater risk of developing this condition.

Tune in to this blog weekly and learn more about the causes of these conditions and what healing foods you can eat to get to the root of the problem.

Dr. Ezenwanyi Ahaghotu

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